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TRR227 scientist Dr. Unai Atxitia accepted new position

Dr. Unai Atxitia, PI of project A08 during the 1st funding period, accepted a tenure-track position as research scientist and team leader at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Spain.

News from Aug 01, 2022

The Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM) is an institute of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) (Spanish National Research Council) founded in December 1986, that belongs to the Area of Science and Technology of Materials, one of the eight Areas in which the CSIC divides its research activities.

Unai, who resumed work in Spain on 1 July 2022, is funded by the Ministry of Science and Education, through the Ramon y Cajal 2020 program, the Spanish centralized tenure track position, and the National Research Program (PID2021-122980OB-C55), as well as by the Spanish Research Council through the fast-track to tenure program 'Atraccion de Talento CSIC'.

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