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TRR 227 PhD student Nele Stetzuhn invited to 73ʳᵈ Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

TRR 227 PhD student Nele Stetzuhn had the opportunity to present her talk “Ultrafast, ultrathin, ultratunable: Spintronics in 2D materials" at the 73 rd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in early July 2024.

Jul 15, 2024

Dr. Tom S. Seifert receives Karl Scheel Prize 2024 of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin

For his outstanding scientific achievement, Tom S. Seifert, PI of TRR 227 project A05, was awarded with the Karl-Scheel-Preis 2024 of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. - Congratulations!

Jun 20, 2024

Optical control of 4f orbital state in rare-earth metals - TRR 227 results published in Science Advances

Researchers from FU Berlin and HZB (projects A01 and A03) and collaborators show that inelastic 5𝘥-4𝘧 electron-electron scattering leads to excitation of the localized terbium 4𝘧 state out of the ground state multiplet (4 𝘧 ⁸  ⁷𝘍 ₆). Such excitations alter the total angular momentum J and affect the 4𝘧 orbital state, with direct implications for ultrafast magnetization dynamics in 4𝘧 systems.

Apr 18, 2024

ERC Advanced Grant 2024 for Tobias Kampfrath

TRR 227 PI Tobias Kampfrath (projects A05 & B02) at FU Berlin has been awarded with a 2024 Advanced Grant of the European Research Council. A total of 2.5 Mio. EUR comes with this prestigious research grant.

Apr 11, 2024

Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern - SKM Dissertation Prize of the DPG

TRR 227 iRTG alumna Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern received not only the Carl-Raumsauer-Preis 2023 of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin , but also very recently she was awarded with the SKM Dissertation Prize of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft for her outstanding dissertation entitled " Controlled Manipulation of Magnetic Skyrmions: Generation, Motion and Dynamics ". - Fantastic and Congrats again!

Mar 18, 2024

Ultrafast demagnetization through rapid spin-wave generation

Excitation of a ferromagnetic material with a femtosecond laser pulse causes an ultrafast magnetization drop, but the deeper mechanism behind this ultrafast drop has been disputed for many years. Physicists within the CRC/TRR 227 now show that ultrafast generation of non-thermal spin waves can explain a rapid magnetization loss within 200 femtoseconds (fs) consistent with experiments.

Feb 12, 2024

TRR227 hosts Ultrafast Magnetism Conference 2024

TRR227 PIs Martin Weinelt and Stefan Eisebitt serve as Conference Chairs of the Ultrafast Magnetism Conference 2024 , being held at the Henry Ford Building of FU Berlin, 2 - 6 Sept. 2024.

Dec 23, 2023

Dr. Lisa-Marie Kern - Carl Ramsauer Prize 2023 of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin

For her outstanding dissertation, Lisa-Marie Kern, a former iRTG member of our TRR 227, was awarded with the Carl-Raumsauer-Preis 2023 of the Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. - Congratulations!

Nov 22, 2023

Max Born Prize and Medal 2024 for Ingrid Mertig (MLU Halle-Wittenberg)

The Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) and the Insitute of Physics (IOP) announced the awardee of the Max Born Prize and Medal for the year 2024.

Nov 16, 2023

New B11 project led by Hélène Seiler - Supplementary proposal approved

Hélène Seiler, tenure track W1-W2 professor at the Physics Department of FU Berlin, proposed a new project entitled "Probing exciton structure and dynamics in two-dimensional magnets and spintronic heterostructures". DFG now approved this supplementary project as B11 within our CRC/TRR 227. Funding is granted for year 3 and 4 of the 2 nd funding period and starts January 1, 2024.

Nov 01, 2023

Electrical measurements at picosecond timescale - New TRR 227 paper published in Nano Letters

Latest TRR 227 results of projects B07 and B08 on probing the formation of dark interlayer excitons via ultrafast photocurrent just appeared in the journal Nano Letters of the American Chemical Society

Oct 20, 2023

Terahertz currents launch massive spin rotation in an antiferromagnet - TRR 227 results published in Nature Communications

Researchers of the TRR227 at FU Berlin (projects A05 and B02 of PI Tobias Kampfrath) with collaborators in Mainz and Dresden find that spin dynamics in an antiferromagnetic metal can be excited by terahertz electric rather than magnetic fields. Enhanced by exchange-interaction, the spins are deflected by as much as 30° out of their equilibrium direction. By demonstrating this highly nonlinear response, spin rotation by 90° and, thus, ultrafast writing of an antiferromagnetic bit by terahertz electric currents comes into close reach.

Sep 29, 2023

Orbital currents can go far – TRR 227 results published in Nature Nanotechnology

TRR 227 PI Tom S. Seifert (project A05) and colleagues published their latest work on ultrafast orbital currents in the journal “Nature Nanotechnology”. Using terahertz-emission spectroscopy, the researchers found strong evidence for optically triggered orbital angular momentum currents in Ni|W thin-film stacks. Surprisingly, those currents seem to travel for 10s of nm without undergoing any scattering.

Aug 28, 2023

TRR 227 project leader Dr. Sangeeta Sharma has been appointed as professor in the field of "Theoretical Solid State Physics"

We are delighted to announce that on June 26, 2023, Dr. Sangeeta Sharma has been installed as a professor at FU Berlin, in a joint appointment with the Max Born Institute.

Jul 10, 2023

TRR227 postdoc Dr. Bo Liu obtains new position

Dr. Bo Liu, who worked as a postdoc in project A01 of Martin Weinelt for 3 years from 2019 until 2022, accepted a tenure-track assistant professorship at Nanjing University , China.

May 24, 2023

Insights to spin transport–driven ultrafast magnetization dynamics - TRR 227 results published in Science Advances

TRR 227 PI Martin Weinelt (project A01) and coworkers published their latest work on ultrafast magnetization dynamics in the journal "Science Advances". Using time- and spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the researchers studied an antiferromagnetically coupled Gd/Fe bilayer, a prototype system for all-optical switching. Spin transport leads to an ultrafast drop of the spin polarization at the Gd surface, demonstrating angular-momentum transfer over several nanometers.

May 23, 2023

2023 Terahertz Science and Technology Roadmap just published in the Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

The Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics just published “ The 2023 Terahertz Science and Technology Roadmap ”. It contains two contributions from the Collaborative Research Center TRR 227 “Ultrafast spin dynamics” and the Terahertz Physics Group fo the FU Physics Department: a perspective article on “Terahertz spintronics and magnetism” and another one on “Terahertz emission spectroscopy and imaging”.

Apr 27, 2023

Editors' suggestions of Phys. Rev. journals highlight TRR 227 research on THz spintronics

Understanding and improving spintronic terahertz-wave emission: Spintronic terahertz (THz) emitters (STEs) are a novel class of broadband, low-cost and efficient THz sources (see Fig. 1). They exhibit interesting opportunities for applications in the fields of THz physics and THz photonics where THz electromagnetic pulses are used for material characterization, imaging and spectroscopy. Consequently, STEs are meanwhile commercially available from the Berlin-based startup TeraSpinTec GmbH .

Mar 14, 2023

Dr. Maximilian Paleschke - Heinz-Bethge Prize for Material Sciences 2022

For his excellent dissertation, Maximilian Paleschke was awarded with the Heinz-Bethge-Prize for Material Sciences 2022. - Congratulations!

Jan 18, 2023

Stuart Parkin - one of the Highly Cited Researchers 2022

In this year’s survey of Clarivate™ "Highly Cited Researchers" , almost 7.000 researchers are listed across all disciplines of science, 369 of them work in Germany. Stuart Parkin of the MPI für Mikrostrukturphysik in Halle and TRR 227 PI of project B10 is one of them. - Congratulations!

Nov 28, 2022